

By: Paco Landa. León, Gto.-  Alrighty… 382 million invested on the recently inugurated bridges at the ‘Bicentenario’ speedway. The one at the “Y” and Vertiz Campero, and debut was in charge of our dear president: Felipe Calderon Hinojosa.
City Major, Ricardo Sheffield, received recognition from the president due to the grand investment from the city budget.

And also, Sheffield stated before Calderon that “These are the most important bridges in terms of investment on the whole ‘Bicentenario’ speedway”.

For the “Y” bridge there was a 21 million MXpesos from the municiple, and from the federal budget there were 83 million.
For the Vertiz-Valtierra bridge there was a 118million from the municiple and 160 million from the federal budget.
This will allow a faster circulation for more than 50 thousand vehicles, and there are two more bridges in construction.
