León, Gto.- With the last two paved streets in Jacinto Lopez, Ricardo Sheffield government is getting to the 128 km goal, being now 127.920 kms already paved.
“Just 80 more meters to achieve our goal, never before in history there’s been so many streets paved in Leon. The largest project had been 90 Kms under de government of city major Eliseo Martinez, and we will be way over that much next week”, said the major.
Already inaugurated streets are Manuel Paynoy and Francisco Lombardo, which make 300 pavement meters on a row, and suming up over one million eight hundred MX pesos, with help of the Cooperative trust fund (FIDOC) which consist of 70% coming from the city budget, and 30% from those benefited.
Traslated from Spanish by Carlos Cuadra