Leon, Guanajuato.- Catholic church, at least in Guanajuato is for kids to not be baptised with what can be considered an ‘ugly’ name, as it is in Spanish language such as: Próculo, Pancracio, Clodomira, Eustaquio, Gumersinda, Honorato, Tarcisio, just to mention some examples.
According to a.m. journal, Leon Archbishop Jose Guadalupe Martin Rabago is for eliminating the bad habit of baptizing children with horrid names.
“To have a name is a personal identification that comes along with us for our whole lives, parents must think of this and give names that allow the child to present before society without shame or fear of being ridiculed”.
As a matter of fact, there’s been some locks put into the Civil Code of Law to avoid parents, whom may not be wrong intentioned but somehow hurt some individuals, from naming kids with cacophonies.
Translated from Spanish by Carlos Cuadra