

By: Bóriz Segoviano. Guanajuato, Gto.- Greenpeace Brigade members, along with the mascot, Sak the polar bear, are in Guanajuato for they expect to gather at least 40 thousand names to make the Arctic Pole to be declared global sanctuary by the UN, through ‘Save the Arctic’ by getting one million names.

‘Sak’, the polar bear, was at many touristic sites inviting people to show their support for the cause, which is about freeing the Arctic Pole from oil and fishing companies, especially.

Also, the Greenpeace mascot will be in Guanajuato during the International Film Festival (GIFF) that will be there starting this Friday till Wednesday 25th, afterwards it’ll take off for Leon and Celaya to gather as many names as possible for the million.
