MEXICO, CITY.- 1982 Literature Nobel prize, Colombian Gabriel García Márquez has died in Mexico city at age 87. He was one of the greatest contemporary writers in Latin America, and he was laso one of the authors who conformed the Latin American Boom, as such generation really bloomed an influenced literature all over the world.
He was born March 6th 1927 in Arataca, Colombia. He was the son to a Telegraph operator and was rised by his maternal grandparents. He had just been hospitalized for nine days at the ‘Salvador Zubiran’ National Institute for Medical Sciences due to dehidration and a lung and urinary infection.
He had been discharged this las April 9th but his family had kept to themselves how bad he really was, though there was suspition of the possibility of limphatic cancer relapse.
“Gabriel García Márquez had been influenced by authors such as William Faulkner and Ernest Hemingway. Later on he started the creation of his own personal universe which has been denominated as ‘magical realism’ coming from every day events, such as it is a colonel who’s taken to see ice for the first time by his grandfather in his childhood”, national news pointed out.
The author of Cien años de soledad (One hundred years of solitude), El amor en los tiempos del cólera (Love in the time of cholera), La hojarasca (Leafstorm), Doce cuentos peregrinos (Strange pilgrims) and El coronel no tiene quién le escriba (No one writes to the Colonel) among fifty other stories and works, he has transended into the immortality of Hispano-American literature.
Translated by Carlos Cuadra. MA.