

By: Francisco Picón. León, Gto.- President of Mexico, Felipe Calderon, gathered with PAN national counselors living in the state of Guanajuato on his visit to Leon, yesterday.

The goal has been to study what has been going wrong during the last election at which they lost the presidential chair and the PAN main operation center, Leon, and to try to figure out how are they going to reconfigure the party.

Calderon thanked for the great effort in keeping Guanajuato government, but he declared that it isn’t enough, people’s trust has to be recovered through high quality government, which means nothing like the last guy, Juan Manuel Oliva.

Guanajuato national counselors are: City Major, Sheffield; intern governor Lopez Santillana; intern governor secretary, Roman Cifuentes; PAN chairman of the state, Gerardo Trujillo; senator, Fernando Torres; Lorena Alfaro, Elia Hernandez and Oliveros Usabiaga.
